Our office has implemented new protocols to keep safety as our first priority.  Here is a summary of the changes you will encounter when you visit our office:


  1. COVID-19 safety information posted on the door to the clinic, please read prior to entering.
  2. Limited entry in our waiting room with reduced traffic so we can maintain physical distancing by utilizing this space effectively.
  3. Screening Wellness forms will be emailed/sent as a text message with a link to complete prior to your visit or we will provide you with a COVID-19 consent form to be completed when entering clinic prior to your appointment.
  1. Hand sanitizer available at reception desk when you enter clinic. Patients are required to wear masks, if you do not have your own mask we will provide one for you.
  2. Enhanced Infection Control measures were added to keep the office clean including an Air filtration system, large plexiglass virus barrier for the reception area.  Our team will be disinfecting door handles, bathrooms and areas of contact throughout the day.
  1. PPE: Our office is equipped with the recommended PPE to deliver treatment safely for you and for us
  2. Hygiene: Our hygienists will clean your teeth with hand scalers.  Hand scaling takes more time but it is as effective as ultrasonic scalers.  Hand scaling is safe and the treatment will maintain your periodontal health.

Please download and complete our COVID-19 pre-scanning patient questionnaire form.

Once you have completed the from please email it back to us at the clinic at